Spectral Audio's Dr. Keith O. Johnson and Rick Fryer debut the newest Spectral CD player at Music Lovers Audio Berkeley-September 24, 2016, 2pm-6pm
Join the Music Lovers staff and Spectral Audio's head engineer Dr. Keith O. Johnson as well as company president Rick Fryer as they host a music listening party at the Music Lovers Audio Berkeley location. (2116 Blake St. Berkeley, CA 94704)
Spectral Audio's latest technological advancement in digital playback - The Spectral SDR-4000SV will be debuted. All are welcome! Read Spectral's official white paper here: http://spectralaudio.com/bulletins/0416.pdf Please RSVP via email by clicking here or calling our Berkeley location: 510-558-1000 and providing your name, phone number and the size of your party. Food, drink, and incredeible rare music will be provided! We are giving away FREE Reference Recordings CDs (limited quantity available) to any who participate. See you there! -Music Lovers Audio 2116 Blake St. Berkeley, CA 94704 510-558-1000